Beaglier Books The Dinosaur Deck
Escape to a time when dinosaurs ruled the earth with The Dinosaur Deck, featuring fascinating facts about 52 dinosaurs and prehistoric reptiles. From the infamous Tyrannosaurus rex and Brachiosaurus to the more obscure and lesser-known Stegoceras validum and Aquilops americanus, discover where and when they lived, what they ate and how big they grew.
Written by science writer and natural history expert, Riley Black, this card deck is full of expert knowledge on these remarkable prehistoric creatures.
Whether you are a seasoned dino nerd or a curious newcomer, these cards are sure to provide hours of entertainment and education of our prehistoric predecessors.
Format PD - Cards Width 101 Millimeters Thickness 33 Millimeters Height 148 Millimeters Unit weight 354 Grams