PearlGem Designs Long Ellipse Baroque Pearl Gold Earrings
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Australian Made
Australian Designed
Women Owned
PearlGem Designs
<span>Gold plate and Pearl </span><span>Earrings</span>
<ul> <li>18kt Gold plate over brass</li> <li>Fresh Water Pearl 15 x 12mm</li> <li>80mm long </li> </ul> <p><strong>About Your Stone:</strong><br><br>Pearl: Self-Confidence, Purity, Integrity<br>Pearl strengthens the mind and increases memory, wealth and good luck. It keeps anger in control and helps develop self-confidence. Pearls help clear one's mind so that it may be a clean and clear channel for wisdom and spiritual guidance. They were once thought to be the tears of gods and goddesses in different ancient lores.<br></p> <p>All items are original jewellery designs made by PearlGem Designs in Australia.<br></p> <p>All PearlGem Design pieces are handpicked with love and care. They will arrive beautifully presented in our gift box.</p> <div class="s"> <div><span class="st"><em></em></span></div> </div> <div data-ved="2ahUKEwjS1s22y9XeAhWSe30KHdJhALkQ2Z0BMAl6BAgIEAU" data-base-uri="/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enAU698AU698"></div> <div data-ved="2ahUKEwjS1s22y9XeAhWSe30KHdJhALkQ2Z0BMAl6BAgIEAU" data-base-uri="/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enAU698AU698"></div> <div class="g"> <div data-ved="2ahUKEwjS1s22y9XeAhWSe30KHdJhALkQFSgAMAl6BAgIEAA" data-hveid="CAgQAA"> <div class="rc"> <div class="s"> <div><span class="st"><em></em></span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="g"> <div data-ved="2ahUKEwjS1s22y9XeAhWSe30KHdJhALkQFSgAMAp6BAgJEAA" data-hveid="CAkQAA"></div> </div>SKU377