Tattman Tattoo brightener enhancer cream 100 ml.
Tattman 100 ml. Tattoo brightener enhancer cream. Brings life and colour back into your tattoo restoring it to original brilliance. A premium product that gives premium results. Massage a small amount of the tattoo cream gently on a faded tattoo and watch the original colour and definition return. Rich in premium grade natural ingredients this tattoo cream promotes smooth healthy skin and is a great moisturiser. This soothing cream will prevent future fading. Pure, organic and chemical free with 8 natural ingredients and is perfect for all skin types even dry, damaged skin. A genuine Australian made family business. Please note: Buyers can mix and match any of our products: Balms, creams oils and the mega black ink range, to the minimum value of $160. Please state clearly what products you have purchased. Free shipping to Australia and New Zealand.